I guess this shoes how naive I am when it comes to this stuff.
I saw the post of my coat on the rumor. I also saw that it sourced my coat to the template. I honestly didn't think twice about it. I didn't think it was a bash, I didn't think it was negative. It said it was cute. So, who cares that it linked it to the template on the marketplace?
Guess what? Sometimes I use templates. :) I don't hide it. I don't have any reason to. If someone doesn't want to buy things from LeBloom because some items originated from a template? So be it. I can't please everyone, though I wish I knew how. I just know it's not possible. Not in either life.
I will never claim that I'm as talented as some of my favorite designers. I can't sculpt to save my pixelated life, as many times as I've tried, I just suck. But I keep trying. I takes me forever to line up seams, but I continue to work on it. I suck at making my own textures for sculpt maps, but I spend hours trying to get it right. And I don't just take someone's template, color it in SL and throw it up for sale. I take the textures into Photoshop and rip the hell out of them to make them look the way I envisioned them in my head when I first saw them.
So yup, I guess I'm airing a dirty little secret...though I never thought it was a secret to begin with.
Sometimes use templates. And then I add to them. Like throwing on cute flower buttons, or changing the bake in Photoshop, adding stitching where there wasn't any before, creating an alpha, throwing colors together to see how it works, and make something that I would wear in RL.
And you know what else? Buying templates from amazing creators like Kesiika Markova and the other talented people from RedPoly? It supports the SL economy. Buy.Sell. Buy.Sell. People like Kesiika put an amazing amount of effort and time into creating templates just like this one so that people will buy them
Kat Alderson has great points on the same topic HERE
She brings up a good point that I want to touch on. There are some amazing furniture builders in SL. Some of them make their own animations, some don't. I've never once expected them to make their own animations, or write their own sitter script. The amazing things we enjoy in SL are made up of amazing things that amazing people make. Scripts, textures, sculpts, animations, mesh, templates...I could go on and on on on.
A note from little ol' me to all the designers out there that use templates, mesh templates or sculpt maps and are feeling down about this rant? Please don't. There are amazing designers in SL that use mesh objects, sculpts and templates and make some pretty darn amazing stuff. As long as your putting time and effort into it, making it your own and doing what you love? Keep doing it.
Thanks Lexi, I love this skirt :)
I also thought I'd throw in a teaser for some new releases next week while I'm at it. :)
$L75 each, includes the dress in clothing layer, sculpt sleeve cuffs and sculpt dress prim, mod.copy.no trans.
$L99 for all 3.
No Mod.No copy.Trans Ok.
Guess what? I used some content from templates for parts of these too.
Can you guess where from? lol
Have a fantastic day
xoxo - LawraLoo
ReplyDeleteI'm doubling down on this whole post. Well said! And for the record. CUTEST WINTER COAT EVER! I want it in first life sooo bad.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kat! xox